The primary way the FOL raises funds to support our mission is through our Book Sales.
Big Book Sales
Twice a year – usually once in late spring and once in late fall, the Friends of the Library holds a 4-Day Book Sale at the library. This is our primary fund raising event.
These sales are a wonderful opportunity for the community to visit the library and stock up some some great bargains.
All hardback novels are only $1. Paperbacks are $0.25. We have an excellent selection of Non-Fiction titles, as well as Children’s Books, Teen Graphic Novels, CDs and DVDs. These are events not to be missed!
Be sure to check our Calendar of Events to find the dates of the next sale. Our sales are also listed in the Community Calendar of the Oglethorpe County Echo and the Flagpole.
The Friends of the Library also has a section of shelves in the library – right across from the non-fiction section – where we have books for sale. These are available for purchase any time the library is open. We accept both cash, checks, PayPal and credit cards.
Outreach Book Sales
The FOL is very fortunate to have a satellite Book Store at No. 3 RR Street in Arnoldsville.
Books and electronic media are available for purchase anytime there is a musical event at No. 3 RR St.
Be sure to check our Calendar of Events or find the next sale in the Community Events section of The Oglethorpe Echo.
Each December, we hold Book Sale and Christmas Bazaar at No. 3 RR St. in Arnoldsville.
This is an exciting event you won’t want to miss.
We feature a beautiful variety of pre-wrapped themed gift baskets ranging from $5 – $40. There are also handmade potpourri, fire starters, and ornaments crafted by our wonderful volunteers. We also have fun Stocking Stuffers, in addition to many Christmas-themed books
Book Donations
Our Book Sales are only possible with kind donations from our community.
If you have some “gently used” books your would like to donate, all you have to do is drop them off at the Oglethorpe County Library.
We accept most types of books but unfortunately cannot accept encyclopedias, text books, or magazines.
Donations can be brought to:
Oglethorpe County Library 858 Athens Road Lexington, Georgia 30648 706-743-8817